

Safe Man Hours Worked

No. of First Aid Cases

No. of Reportable Incidents

Last Incident date

Total Accident-Free days

Safety Lagging Indicator /Leading Indicator statistics data

Safety Triangle/ Safety Heinrich Pyramid

Safety Green Cross

Safety Awareness Slogans and messages
Product Overview
The Safety Statistics LED displays are essential in all industries to monitor overall safety parameters in the industry and to increase the awareness about safety guidelines.
These displays are useful to show total accident-free days count in plant. It runs on RTC (Real Time Clock). User can set last incident date from PC software utility or Android App. Accident-free days will be incremented automatically every day.

Why We Do It Better

- We have the maximum number of design varieties compared to our competitors
- 1000 Plus Installations across more than 21 states
- Various model & design options to choose from as per your requirements
- Excellent after sales support
- Use of genuine industrial grade material